The Riddle Lab

  • Justin Riddle ~ Principal Investigator

    Justin is interested in the role that neural oscillations play in organizing network-scale brain activity. He uses non-invasive brain stimulation in human participants to modulate neural oscillations and change cognition. His long-term goal is to develop novel techniques to create lasting changes in brain activity for the treatment of mood disorders.

  • Dylan Li ~ Graduate Student

    Dylan graduated with honors from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, earning a B.S. in Neuroscience and a B.A. in Media and Journalism. During her time there, she served as a Research Assistant at Frohlich Lab, gaining valuable experience in cutting-edge neuroscience research. Currently starting the first year of Ph.D. in Neuroscience at Florida State University, Dylan’s research focuses on the neural basis of psychiatric disorders. She is particularly excited to explore the brain through the lens of neural oscillations and to investigate innovative treatment approaches using non-invasive brain stimulation.

  • Lauren Jackson ~ Lab Manager

    Lauren graduated Texas A&M University with her B.S. in Psychology. At Texas A&M, she was a research assistant in the labs of Drs. Annmarie MacNamara, Joseph Orr, and Steven Smith. Lauren is interested in researching positive valence systems within psychopathology (e.g., reward responsiveness), particularly with the use of psychophysiological measures. In the future, she plans to pursue a PhD in Psychology.

  • Shyam Dhulashia ~ Study Coordinator

    Shyam graduated from the University of Florida with his B.S. in Psychology, where he studied the effects of transformative experiences on human flourishing. His research now focuses on correlating oscillatory brain network dynamics and phenomenology during altered states of consciousness with traits and symptoms of psychiatric illness. He is developing a model to precisely diagnose and treat patients by catering therapies, mindfulness-based practices, and community resources to their unique needs, based on their brain network activity, cognitive functions, and subjective experiences.

  • Mario Shontz ~ Intern Data Analyst

    Mario graduated from Florida State University in 2024 with a degree in Computational Science. His primary interest lies in understanding the mechanisms of consciousness, which he believes to be a fundamental force in the universe. Mario hopes to contribute to the scientific community's efforts in unraveling how consciousness arises, as he sees this as a crucial step towards solving the most challenging problems in psychology. In the future, he aims to foster a community that values philosophy and intelligent discourse, ultimately driving positive systemic change. When he's not engaged in scientific pursuits, Mario enjoys running, hiking, and embarking on new outdoor adventures.

  • Angelisse Bent ~ Undergraduate Assistant

    Angelisse is a sophomore majoring in Psychology and minoring in Film Studies. She is interested in exploring the fundamentals of brain research and its relations to human cognition through communication outlets. After graduation, she hopes to pursue a PhD in Neuroscience.

  • Morgan Brown ~ Undergraduate Assistant

    Morgan is a sophomore majoring in behavioral neuroscience on a pre-medical track from Boca Raton, Florida. She is interested in learning more about the various neuroimaging techniques and the efficacy of noninvasive neurostimulation interventions for those with psychiatric disorders, specifically mood and trauma disorders. Morgan currently works with EEG as a research assistant in Dr. Chrisopher Patrick's lab. In the future, Morgan hopes to attend an MD-PhD dual degree program with an emphasis on clinical psychology.

  • Daniel Campos ~ Undergraduate Assistant

    Daniel is a senior majoring in Behavioral Neuroscience. He is interested in the neural and biological mechanisms that underlie various psychopathologies as well as exploring new treatments for psychological disorders. He aims to obtain a PhD in Clinical Psychology in order to pursue a career conducting clinical research and opening a private practice as a clinical psychologist.

  • Jessica Chinni ~ Undergraduate Assistant

    Jessica is a fourth year Psychology major and Social Work minor. She is interested in understanding how certain brain structures and the overall nervous system interact with one another and influence our feelings and emotions and overall state of consciousness. After her undergrad, she plans on attending graduate school earning either a master's or Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and opening her own practice specializing in alternative treatments for mood disorders.

  • Thalia Dadanala ~ Undergraduate Assistant

    Thalia is on the pre-med path, soon switching into the Behavioral Neuroscience major. She is interested in studying the degeneration of memory and the development of treatments to best improve it in every aspect. In the future, Thalia plans to become a physician and continue researching neurological interventions.

  • Valerie Johnstone ~ Undergraduate Assistant

    Valerie is a junior double majoring in psychology and Japanese. She is interested in research related to the neurobiological substrates and treatment of psychological disorders, with a special interest in anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders. At FSU she has worked in the Patrick lab where she assisted with EEG research, and she is excited to continue learning about neuroimaging techniques. In the future she plans on pursuing a PhD in clinical psychology.

  • Amy Le ~ Undergraduate Assistant

    Amy is a junior majoring in Behavioral Neuroscience from Sarasota, FL. She is interested in learning more about neural oscillations and how they can change neural activity and impact cognition. After graduation, she hopes to pursue a career as a physician focusing in pediatrics neurological development.

  • Diego Navarro-Viera ~ Undergraduate Assistant

    Diego is a freshman majoring in Behavioral Neuroscience. He is fascinated by the effects of meditation, breathwork, and novel brain stimulation technologies on enhancing life quality, treating mood disorders, and promoting peak experiences. After graduation, he hopes to pursue a PhD in cognitive neuroscience and continue research to develop neurotechnological innovations.

  • Renee Plowell ~ Undergraduate Assistant

    Renee is a third year Psychology major who transferred from the FSU Republic of Panama Campus last Spring 2023 semester. Her research interests pertain to psychological disorders, specifically anxiety and mood disorder, eating disorders, and OCD. She is interested in exactly how these disorders are reflected in real-time brain activity, and how techniques such as neuroimaging and electrophysiology can be used to diagnose psychiatric disorders.

  • Sabrina Reyes ~ Undergraduate Assistant

    Sabrina is a second year at FSU as a psychology major and criminology minor. She is interested in the neuroscience perspective on abnormal psychology and cognitions, and finding biological and clinical interventions for mental illness. She wants to look at how brain structures and functioning impact development and prognosis of psychopathology and treatment. She learned about underserved communities, and latinx population experiences with mood disorders and suicidality in the Youth Resiliance Program under Dr. Buitron's lab as a research assistant. She intends to pursue a PhD and a career in research.

  • Annisa Richardson ~ Undergraduate Assistant

    Annisa is majoring in Behavioral Neuroscience with a minor in Spanish. She spent her first year abroad living in Spain, tutoring children in English. She is now working as a Registered Behavior Technician for children with autism. She is intrigued by how cognition is impacted by psychiatric illness. After graduation, she hopes to attend medical school to become a pediatric psychiatrist.

  • Zoe Steelman ~ Undergraduate Assistant

    Zoe is a junior Cell and Molecular Neuroscience major. She is interested in many aspects of abnormal psychology, especially treatments for various psychopathologies. She hopes to become a psychiatrist and increase access to mental health care in rural communities.

  • Jessie Tucker ~ Undergraduate Assistant

    Jessie is a Behavioral Neuroscience major in the Honors Program at FSU. She is interested in studying and treating neurological disorders, particularly in children. When she graduates, she plans to continue exploring the medical applications of neuroscience research by pursuing an M.D. or Ph.D.