Justin Riddle, Ph.D.

Justin is passionate to learn more about the human mind. He has a fascination for how the prefrontal cortex represents abstract information and controls our thoughts to seek higher-order goals. His research utilizes complementary tools with high temporal precision (EEG) and high spatial precision (fMRI). In order to move beyond correlation-based science, Justin uses magnetic and electric stimulation (TMS & tACS) to investigate the causal role of neural oscillations in higher-order cognition.

Justin is funded by the NIMH with a K99/R00 pathway to independence award. He received postdoctoral training at UNC Chapel Hill through a T32 training program (NIMH) under the mentorship of Flavio Frohlich & David Rubinow. His research was also funded by the non-profit Foundation of Hope. His graduate work was funded by the graduate research fellowship program (NSF). He got his Ph.D. in Psychology at UC Berkeley under the mentorship of Mark D’Esposito. He received his Bachelors in Computer Science and Cognitive Science at UC Berkeley. While at UC Berkeley, Justin created a course on Quantum Consciousness with David Presti.